Dental Tartar Removal in Jerusalem
Tartar (also known as tooth stone), is a thin layer of substance that accumulates over our teeth because of different substances that exist on our teeth: food remains, germs, and different minerals that exist in the spit. Tartar accumulation occurs naturally and is affected by dental hygiene maintenance, toothbrush type, brushing technique, and more.
Tartar isn’t necessarily harmful, but without proper and regular elimination care it might cause unpleasant aesthetic appearance, dental scent, and might affect the teeth’s health.
What Might Happen if Tartar isn’t Removed Regularly?
Some of the unpleasant side effects that could occur if tartar accumulates on the teeth is teeth colorization (yellowish colorization and even brown spots), gum bleeding, bad breath that would usually indicate a large bacterial presence in the mouth, and a severe increase of chances to suffer from several complications like tooth decay, gum inflammation and/or diseases, and that can quickly lead to harming the tissues, losing teeth, and more.
All those side effects are also linked to non-physical aspects. The aesthetic incline and bad breath can harm one’s confidence, and even lead to depression and anxiety.
How is Tartar Removed?
Maintaining dental hygiene can slow down the tartar accumulation but it would not prevent it altogether. Properly brushing the teeth helps to get rid of food remains and germs but removing tartar using only a toothbrush is much harder (even if it is an electric toothbrush).
In dental clinics and dental hygienists there is special equipment dedicated to removing tartar, and you can also find it at our Dental Clinic in Jerusalem. During the tartar removal process, the mouth is examined, focusing on the levels of existing tartar. If there are no apparent complications and there is no severe damage to the teeth or gums, the tartar removal process is rather simple and would usually only require a single treatment. In more severe cases there might be a need for a few treatments, or even a treatment that involves deep cleaning – root planing.
Painless Tartar Removal Treatments in Jerusalem
Usually, tartar removal treatments don’t invoke any pain. Although the tartar removal process is uncomfortable and for several minutes might cause discomfort, patients should not suffer from any kind of post-treatment pain. Nevertheless, in some cases (for example, if the dental hygiene has been severely neglected and caused inflammations or other gum sensitivities), some post-treatment pain might be felt, but it should pass rather quickly.
When Should Tartar Removal Treatments Take Place?
Usually, tartar removal treatments should happen regularly to avoid them aggravating. Just like other preventative treatments, regular dental checkups should be kept up with, rather than waiting for something to start hurting or bleed, which is why you should visit us at least once every 6 months. In each visit, we will check the tartar accumulation and recommend tartar removal treatments if necessary.